Only available in Dutch
for now
What is this book about?
Already have some knowledge about self-regulated learning and now really want to get the entire picture? Want to get to the essence right away and discover right away what's important to you as a teacher or school leader? This book leads you right to it.
There are quite a couple of books written on the topic of self-regulated learning, many of which are definitely worth reading! Then why write yet another book on the topic?

There are multiple answers to that question, but we'll give you the short version.
Supporting students' SRL skills is so important, that there can't be enough books on the topic. We shouldn't compete over who has the best book. Everyone helping to implement SRL in each and every classroom is welcome to do so! Not every book or perspective will appeal to every single teacher in the world. There is plenty of room for high quality books on the topic.
There aren't many books that take a school-wide approach. Yet, when we are serious about improving our SRL support for all students, we should take a systemic approach. We should help school leaders and teams to implement SRL in a sustainable way.
Books often target one specific subset of teachers (e.g. pre-school, primary, secondary or higher education) or cover just a small piece of SRL and dive right into supporting very specific learning strategies. This approach helps translate SL to classroom practice, but... it adds to the immense fragmentation of SRL knowledge.
It has become incredibly difficult to get to the basics of self-regulated learning without getting overwhelmed by all the information out there.
Yet, the most effective ways to support SRL are quite the same across student ages or teaching content. This book therefore summarizes those evidence-based general principles and frameworks so that teachers across grade levels and teaching content start speaking the same language and collaborating more effectively. All for the benefit of our students who need to be supported more systematically and coherently across their entire school career.
But, uhm, I don't speak Dutch...
Unless you're over the top motivated to learn more about self-regulated learning and really really want to read this book, there's no need to study Dutch. Then why do we talk about the book on this English website?
Well, we'll use the visuals and framework from the book to structure this website. It's our way to avoid adding to the fragmentation of information on SRL. By situating our materials and blog articles within the same framework every time again, we help you to build your knowledge and mental models. We guide you to gradually start seeing the bigger picture and integrate all of the knowledge and experience you already have. No one starts from scratch!
Would you love to read the book in your language too?
Or perhaps in English? Let us know! You can email us or use the chat. We'd love to get the book translated some time. Help us show potential publishers that this book is worth translating!
Can't wait to read more in English?
Then check out these resources:
A partnership of 9 European organisations partnered up in the Erasmus+ project called tMAIL. We developed a mobile app for teachers that trains them in the basics of self-regulated learning. You can download the tMAIL app for free. It's available in multiple languages too!
We can also recommend Timothy Cleary's book entitled The self-regulated learning guide: Teaching students to think in the language of strategies.